Roxbury was soon beaten by the best of the best -
including once getting beaten with a Singapore Cane by
former ECW and WWE Superstar Spike Dudley...unforuntaley
for Roxbruy the incident took place in the back alley
of a Dunkin Donuts in Southern Connecticut, and had
nothing to do with wrestling, and everything to do
with Roxbury's big fat mouth - at least something on
him is big and fat.The
true highlight of his career however was when Ryan
Roxbury stood face-to-face with two-time ECPW
Heavyweight Champion and reality star,
Andrew Anderson. Roxbury was paid by Doug DeVito
to mock the extra...uh I mean extra special CO-STAR, of the film "The
Wrestler." Why did Devito do this you ask?
Because he is just a sick f*** like that, I guess.
Anderson soon used Roxbury as dental floss, a q-tip
and various other items you can find at your
neighborhood Walgreens. Roxbury was in tough
condition, and 911 was called. Roxbury had to
wait for medical assistance as the EMTs were busy
attempting to help The Creeper. It took nearly
45 minutes to convince those brave EMTs that Creeper
had not been assaulted with a power-sander and his
face just looks like that normally. Brave
Roxbury hung on only crying to ten minutes, briefly
pondering how he may never again caress Dave Mathew's
talented beard stubble. Morphine is a hell of a drug.
The entire episode was filmed
the Anderson's reality show staff and will be
incorporated into an episode premiering this Tuesday
Night at 8pm in Drew's imagination.
The plucky
young...guy....returned to action soon, however, and
was back confusing crowds left and
right...specifically left and right of the Hudson
River. Ryan Roxbury seems to be a benevolent
force in Brooklyn and Staten Island where is alleged
friends live; however in most other towns such as
McAdoo, PA and Binghamton, NY Roxbury is a little
meaner and a little more threatening and a little.
This "angry" Roxbury has no respect for the rules
within the ring and is a known rule-breaker even
aligning himself with such nasty and hated entities
entities as Prince Akkanatan, WASP, and Justin Beiber
(Dave Mathews watch out!).
The whole
"being-a-skinny-club-kid" business isn't what it used
to be and Roxbury soon picked up work as a Butler for
WASP: William Alexander Samuel Palmer. His
Bowling-pin shaped new boss, a miserly individual has
poor "Reginald" Roxbury doing such menial tasks as
desensitizing the ring ropes (they were about due to
have the Santana-oil removed anyway) and make sure his
toilet-seat-destroying hips are well hydrated with
Avian (anything less would be copyright infringement).
How will this new union work
out for Roxbury? Is this union even legal in
states other than Vermont and Hawaii? Keep it
tuned to ECPW Adrenaline to find out. |